July 8, 2007

Fireworks in the Sky

Last night Jessica and I got to bed rather late, sometime around 12:30. Just about the time we had fallen into a deep sleep, we were awakened by the sound of explosions echoing through the city up into our bedroom. Now the Middle East and explosions may not sound like a good combination, but without hesitation we knew that it was only fireworks. Arabs like their fireworks, and they like them loud. For example, on the fourth of July a friend and I sat on top of our roof and watched three or four firework shows going on all across the city. It's most likely these were in celebration of weddings. The unique thing about the fireworks last night was that they just kept coming and in great succession. So when I rolled over in bed to see if I could catch a glimpse, I quickly realized that this was not the typical small set of fireworks but rather it was something special. I grabbed my glasses from the bedside table and went to the other room to get a better view. Jessica soon joined me and we enjoyed watching the end of a wonderful fireworks show from the comfort of our extra bedroom.

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