April 19, 2007

The word is out!

We have found ourselves in yet another phase of adulthood........

We're going to be parents!! Yep that's right. Most of you who read this blog already know, but in case you don't, here it is!

I am due on November 17th. We've known for a little over 3 weeks now, but I couldn't get in to the doctor until this week. So now it's official and we're telling everyone!!

Here are some questions you may be wondering that other people have already asked.....

  • Was it planned? not by us, God had it all planned out!

  • Have you been sick? yes, most definitely. It seems to be tailing off now, but we'll see. I'm not one to throw up, so luckily I haven't had much of that action. I did have a cold last week with a lot of drainage and that made me more nauseous.

  • Can you guys still go on your trip this summer? yep! We'll be traveling during my 2nd trimester, which is the perfect time to travel. And we have another praise about our trip, we have received all the money plus A LOT more than we need. So we'll be able to share and help out Jeremy with his trip cost.

  • How far along are you? I'm officially 10 and half weeks into the pregnancy.

  • Do ya'll want a boy or girl? Well we can only agree on a boy name, so a boy! No really, we are hoping for a boy. I think last night we may have agreed on a girl's first name, Chloe. Now we need a middle name. But if it's a boy it will be Joel Matthew.

Ok that's all I can think of, we'll add more later if we need to.

Here's a picture of our baby!


Anonymous said...

Jacob says "It's about time you posted! Your last post said, more to come next week..." and "Be prepared to make an announcement Sunday morning."

Corrie's been thinking..."If they don't hurry up and tell this news, I'm going to go crazy trying to keep Jacob quiet."

Robert said...

congrats. You're gonna make a great mommy!

four:bull said...

Aw... I can't wait for you guys to get here!
I think if you are going for a Biblical name, Joel Muhammed is the way to go. After all, he's in the Bible. Just ask any Arab....they know. :)

Look forward to seeing you.