October 11, 2007

Close Call

My laptop has recently become outrageously infected with viruses and such. We downloaded some anti-virus stuff to help clean it up. Well, it found all kinds of things but my computer was still running really slow. So John Mark decided that we should reload the operating system. He's been going around the apartment trying to locate all the discs for my computer and such. All the programs that you install are wiped off your computer when you do this. He assured me that all my files including my pictures would remain. Well I just wasn't sure, so I asked him to put as many of my pictures on my flash drive as he could before he started the process. I then left for Bible study at church.

I come home, and ask "Did all the pictures fit on the flash drive?" Well it's not a very large memory, so he says no, and that he only saved the wedding and engagement pictures to it. Well guess what.... We have those already on CD! So that was pointless. So anyway, he gets the computer reloaded. Goes to check on the pictures..... And they're GONE!!! I don't know what to say at this point. All I can think is all my pictures are no more. I do have the ones I want to print from about the past 10-12 months online waiting to be printed. That's some comfort.

At this point JM feels terrible, of course. He had assured me they would still be there. So he goes hunting on my computer. And somehow, he finds all the pictures!! They were hidden away. So he's out of the dog house for tonight :)

ps. I'm going to add some pictures to flickr from the baby shower this weekend in just a little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

talk about baby fever congradulations..
speaking of babies I need to get the bag form you so we can take it back..lol
call me when you get a chance i will come and get it.
John Bullock