June 11, 2007

Miracles in Packing

After traveling much overseas, or much at all, one soon learns the lesson of packing light. Just try carrying your luggage through the underground, on buses, and trains all over the city of London and you will soon find out the benefit of taking as little as possible when traveling.

This summer marks a new adventure for Jessica and I: traveling overseas together. This means we got to pack together (or rather I got to watch my wife put all the stuff in the suitcase and tell her what not to leave out, maybe I should have helped more). When planning on what all to take and how to get it there, Jessica's first suggestion was that we would both pack in her suitcase. But I, knowing how large her suitcase was, and not wanting to haul it all over the world, suggested that we pack in my suitcase because it was smaller and more manageable. Well, to cut out all the gory details, my wonderful wife, packed all our clothes and other travel necessities in that one suitcase and a carry on size suitcase. If it weren't for my love of books, we might not even need to take our backpacks, but at least they are full of things to keep us entertained for those long hours in cramped airplane seats. So in the end I am very thankful that we found a way to pack so light, especially since I have a pregnant wife and I will probably be deemed the family bellhop.

We leave tomorrow, fly for a few hours, stop for a few more, fly for many more hours and eventually we will be at our final destination. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel and hopefully everything will run smoothly, and the next time you hear from us, we will be on the other side of the world. What fun.


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