February 23, 2007


Our Sunday school class has started a small group. JM and I are kind of leading it right now. We had our first meeting this past Sunday. It went great!! God is so good! Each week someone will share their spiritual formation story, and I started us off. Next week JM will share his and I will be leading the devotional part. Be in prayer that we will seek God for guidance in how to lead this group and that he'll give the wisdom we need. On a related note..... we had a new couple visit our class and they just kind of jumped right in! They've just moved from Killeen (just south of Waco), and we were so great to have apart of our group.

My students went to the Waco Wetlands today, and we all had a blast. I'll post pictures from it tonight. I posted some pictures from San Antonio a couple of weeks ago, make sure you check those out..... just click on the picture box to the right..................................

February 8, 2007

story in pictures

Saturday night I went to a Dave Barnes/Andy Davis show in Dallas with these lovely ladies...
and we rode in this beastly vehicle manned by the amazing Rebecca

We had a wonderful time groovin', singin', hollerin' with the boys on stage.
We were somewhat gypped though, because you see our dear Andy and Dave are very much loved by many and their show sold out! So a second show is added after the original show and thus our show was cut on time somewhat, but still we had fun and are left with Andy Davis songs play through our heads 24/7. By the way here are Andy and Dave....

After the show, we jumped into the Beast and headed out for some food, because we didn't get to eat before the show so we were HUNGRY! :) Elaine and Sarah navigated us through Dallas to a yummy Mexican restaurant, where we had sopa-people. Yep that's right sopa-people. Don't believe me? Well of course there are pictures.....

After finishing off our sweet little, honey-covered people, we headed home to Waco. I got to bed oh, about 1:45am and went to church extremely tired that morning.

Special Thanks to Elaine for most of the pictures, Andy Davis' myspace for his picture, and myself for the Dave Barnes picture.

February 2, 2007

Yea! for Fridays!

Today, JM and I have been married 5 months, that's just hard to believe....

We're gearing up for a busy weekend! Only thing is we both have colds, and that's not working too well for JM and all his reading he has to do. So please pray for him, he's getting kind of drained out.

We're hanging out with Jacob and Corrie and their kids from our church tonight. JM is making this AMAZING peanut butter chocolate cheesecake dessert, I can't wait! Oh speaking of church, we have new pastor! He started this week!

I'm going to a Dave Barnes concert Saturday night with some of my girls!! I think I'm more excited about just getting out with girl friends more than the concert. Davey is great, but I have seen him a few times :)

Then Sunday night, our Sunday school class is getting together for the Super Bowl. I couldn't care less about the Super Bowl, but it'll be fun to hang out with friends.

Be in prayer for our summer. We need all the prayer support we can get. It's going to be pretty expensive too, since we are married now. So we can't share an apartment to cut cost and that kind of thing. So please be in prayer for us.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

ps. can you believe it's already February??