October 27, 2006

Here we go....

I've been in Waco for 10 months now. Kind of crazy! John Mark and I have been married for almost 2 months and it's been absolutely wonderful! It's hard to remember what it's like not to be married, but we have these moments all that time where it's hard to believe that we are married. God's way of bringing us together and working in us has been truly amazing. I definitely recommend marriage, but not just with anyone. Patience is the key, not really an attractive thing but it's the best way. Just remember
Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.
-Song of Songs 3:5

Great advice there.

So the past few months we've been adjusting to the married life. It really hasn't been too hard! We finally found a church! We searched all last semester with no luck. We joined Meadowbrook Baptist about 2 weeks ago in Robinson which is where we live. Robinson is basically Waco. It's on the south end of Waco. I guess it's a suburb?? If Waco can have suburbs. If I were a suburb, Waco would be my last choice of cities to be connected to. How about Portland? That sounds nice....

We've been helping out on Tuesday nights at the Baylor BSM with the International Table. We go and help set up and prepare the meals if needed, hang out with internationals, and enjoy a great ethnic meal. It's been a lot of fun. I've also been helping out with the children's ministry at church on Wednesday nights. I help out in 5th and 6th grade GAs. I've really enjoyed it.

I'll give a highlight from the past two months and then I'll be finished.

At the beggining of the month, JM and I went to Austin to see Jars of Clay and Matt Wertz in concert. Now in the spring we made a trip to see Matt Wertz play in Austin and it was a disaster! I wore the wrong shoes and we ended up walking all over Austin. We had planned to eat at Stubb's BBQ (this is how I got JM to go to a Matt Wertz show), but it was closed for a special event when we got there. So thus the walking all over to find somewhere to eat. After we ate, we headed over to the venue for the concert. Waited in line just a little bit. During the wait, there was a sign posted of when each person would play ( 2 openers and then Matt Wertz). Well Matt Wertz didn't come on until 9:45 and it was 7!! It was only standing, so we watched the first guy ( Mat Kearny) and then went to Starbucks until Matt Wertz played. We didn't really like the venue and Josh Hoge sang with Matt Wertz which I wasn't much of fan of that addition. Then to top off a bad night, it poured rain all the way home. It was like a monsoon. OK, sorry for the long preface, now this trip to Austin was great! It was on a Sunday so we came home from church and had lunch, took our Sunday afternoon nap and decided to head out a little early to stop by the new outlets in Round Rock (just outside of Austin, and really nice!). Walked into Startbucks there and it was like I was in London again, internationals everywhere! Went to Stubb's from there to have dinner then the show. Luckily the concert was at Stubb's so it was open this time. The food was really good. The venue was really nice. It's outdoor and it was a great night for a concert. We were able to be pretty close and have something to lean on or sit on if we got tired of standing. Matt Wertz redeemed himself (it was just him and Justin Rosolino on guitar, much more my taste). Jars of Clay was really good too. I've just began to really listen to them this semester. I really like their new cd. Anyway, we had a great time. Hopefully we'll make it back for another show....

1 comment:

Man4Him said...

Soo i love marriage and i have to go to calss now .... buy