January 29, 2008

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

So here's proof of Chloe's new accomplishment....

January 25, 2008

So Chloe turned over today.... but JM wasn't in the room to see it! He said she was being fussy so he put her on her stomach and then went into the kitchen to get something. He comes back and she's on her back! I don't think she really meant to turn over, but it happened!

So now we were watching intently for her to do it again. :)

January 23, 2008

Family Pictures

, originally uploaded by timkingphoto.

Go see our pictures!!


January 6, 2008

First Post of '08

After traveling A LOT we are finally home and getting into the rhythm of normal life again. Well sort of... We've never had a baby in our normal life so we're getting into a new normality. I started back to work on Friday. It wasn't too bad. We were probably missing about 1/4 of the students because all the other schools don't start back until tomorrow. And when you only have about 50 students in your school that 12 or so students make a huge difference! So it was kind of a nice laid back day for me to get back into the swing of things, although I did sit down at my desk to a pile of ungraded papers that my sub had left. I'm still trying to decide what to do about those...

On another note, we have started trying to get Chloe on a feeding schedule. I think it's going to take a little bit to adjust to it, because her night sleep is all thrown off now. JM's mom will be here this week so hopefully she can helps with it.

So that's us right now.... and here is a Chloe picture, probably my favorite at the moment :)